Announcing Our First-Ever LLN Workshop & Updates

We know it’s been quite some time since our last newsletter but we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes continuing to build upon this foundation while seeking balance in the midst of grief and the gravitational pull of life. The past six years since Noah’s death has been nothing short of self-rediscovery. The grief of losing your child does that to you, and mix it with secondary losses and one feels compelled to find a door that opens up to a path that makes more sense. To find truth in what matters and cleansing ourselves of what no longer does. There’s peace in doing this, but it’s an ongoing effort. Tai Chi has served a purpose in helping us find that balance as we continue adventuring on with self-rediscovery, stewarding this organization in memory of Noah, and finding ground with every step we take.

That said, we’d like to invite you to our very first LLN workshop, an introduction to Tai Chi, in hopes that it can also be a tool you can use to improve your mind and body balance.

We remain humbled by the dedicated support we’ve received since our foundation’s inception in 2018 and are completely awe inspired by the advancements made by UCLA in lymphatic intervention.

We are very pleased to share the following updates with you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter.

With love,
Cecile and Keith
Co-Founders, Live Like Noah Foundation

Are you looking for ways to help improve your mind / body balance?


Sign up for our four week introductory online workshop on Tai Chi. Instructed by certified Tai Chi instructor, Anthony Baclig, Noah’s uncle and head coach for the CoachArt Organization, a non-profit that teaches arts and athletics to children with chronic illness.

Learn how you can sponsor this workshop for a heart family in need.
All proceeds from this workshop will benefit Live Like Noah Foundation.

UCLA’s Pediatric Lymphatic Program
The lymphatic team at UCLA, led by Dr. Sanjay Sinha and Dr. Edward Lee, has been steadily growing — helping children, progressing their techniques and abilities, as well as training several heart centers, within the US and internationally, on lymphatic intervention. Among the notable stories, we want to highlight one recent training that occurred in Córdoba, Argentina, where Dr. Sinha and the Argentina team performed a lymphatic procedure on a young patient admitted with complex multi-compartment lymphatic disease. The Argentina team was taught many of the novel techniques Dr. Sinha and Dr. Lee have learned and developed and the patient was cured of his disease. This success, for the patient, was not possible just a few years ago, and today, this heart center is more prepared to care for these kids in a complete way.

Lymphatic training in Córdoba, Argentina.

To continue the advancements, such as those used in Argentina, the UCLA team, with funds raised from our 2022 Hike For Noah, is about to begin their first study; an imaging study to prove out a new technique to reduce a significant amount of time in the overall imaging process, removing the need for exposure under an MRI, and avoid anesthesia altogether, which reduces risk to the patient. Later this year, they will be organizing a conference and training course all while traveling to other centers to help build their programs. Your donations allow us to continue supporting the needs of UCLA’s lymphatic program in memory of Noah.


From left to right: Dr. Chris Smith, CHOP; Dr. Suren Reddy, UT Southwestern Dallas; Dr. Sanjay Sinha, UCLA; Dr. Yoav Dori, CHOP; Dr. Edward Lee, UCLA (not shown) who represent the lymphatic leadership in the congenital cardiology space within the United States.


Care Packages by Harrison Guerrero
We were honored to be chosen by 14-year-old Harrison Guerrero of Woodland Hills, CA for his mitzvah project to give back in Noah’s memory by raising funds to provide 30 Live Like Noah care packages to heart families at the hospitals. Inspired by Noah, Harrison chose to raise funds through Noah’s lemonade stand and raised an astounding $3,230. While delays happened during the height of Covid, we’re nearing the time to pack and deliver the care packages.

“Noah Bella Michaelis holds a very special place in my heart and it means so very much to me to continue her mission of helping her fellow heart patients.”
—Harrison Guerrero

Harrison Guerrero, center, alongside his parents, Byron and Erika, top left, and his family and friends.

Harrison shopping for the care packages.

GASOLINA cafe | market | wine bar Supports LLN
We want to thank Chef Sandra Cordero of GASOLINA for choosing to support Live Like Noah Foundation during 805 Living’s Dishing Out for Charity Challenge. GASOLINA donated $1000 through the sales of Noah’s Caramel Bread Pudding. Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy Noah’s favorite dessert!