Live Like Noah Fundraiser

2022 Hike For Noah Fundraiser Was a Success

Team Beach Hikers for Noah

It is with a full heart of humility that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. All throughout Heart Month, 48 participants and 13 teams hiked for Noah to raise awareness and donations to support medical advancements for people affected by Congenital Heart Disease and Lymphatic Disease. Donations came from all over the country and around the world.

Ever dollar got us here. You gave generously and graciously. Thank you for allowing us to fulfill this critical need for medical advancements in lymphatic intervention. The 2022 Hike for Noah fundraising campaign was a huge success, raising $50,000 for the UCLA pediatric lymphatic team, moving them forward to conduct both research studies. Their research and developments of novel techniques will allow UCLA to provide safer early detection and highly specialized care to kids and adults like Noah. Thank you for supporting our foundation’s mission to help individuals impacted by these diseases. As Noah’s mom and dad, it’s our goal to help people experiencing these diseases live longer, better lives.

This community of ours also answered the call to help us reach our stretch goal of $6,500 for our Reading is Healing program, allowing Live Like Noah Foundation to publish Noah's next children's short story, Manda and the Fish. Manda will be released this Fall to the public and also distributed to the libraries of children's hospitals around the country.

It was such a privilege to adventure on and explore more on every path, hill, and urban street. It was a blessing of the here and now spent with family and loved ones from near and far, and friends old and new. For some, these hikes were emotional reunions. We thank everyone who participated for their dedication, hard work, and outpouring of support to honor Noah and her legacy. This experience was most humbling and one of hope to see altruism in action the way Noah saw giving back from her heart.

We close our fundraiser with a message from Dr. Dan, Noah's cardiologist:

Noah and Dr. Dan after her first Fontan surgery, 2008.

Dr. Dan Levi, Noah's UCLA's cardiologist and friend. Our hero. 

Dr. Dan has been Noah's cardiologist since she was 5 months old. He's been with us through all the ups and downs and has always been so caring, thoughtful and hopeful. After Noah passed away, Dr. Dan was determined to put together a pediatric lymphatic intervention team at UCLA in Noah's memory so they can be a prominent center for their patients and help advance the technologies of lymphatic intervention.

Dr. Dan -- we love you and thank you for your devotion to heart kids.