Research Study #1 Fully Funded

You should feel proud. With the help of your donation, we were able to raise $10,000 during Heart Week to maximize the generous matching gift from Binh Nguyen and Karen Morberg-Nguyen. “We are truly inspired by Noah and the impact she has made.” says Binh and Karen. We are tremendously humbled by their matching gift and the outpouring of support from people like you. Thank you for helping the Live Like Noah Foundation during this critical fundraising week as we have now fully funded one of the research studies.

These studies aim to advance lymphatic diagnosis and treatments by significantly reducing the time to image the lymphatic system from one hour to as little as five minutes with little to no anesthesia, as well as, study the ability to dynamically image the lymphatic system with CT vs. MRI. This will highly improve the safety for each patient undergoing these scans as the hour long scans can be life-threatening for many. As the parents of our daughter, Noah, we've experienced what it is like for our critically-ill child to go through these these scary and dangerously long scans, but we have the potential to make a difference in the lives of other families. We give our sincerest thanks for helping us advance lymphatic treatments to help all kids like Noah.

“We are truly inspired by Noah and the impact she has made.”
—Binh Nguyen and Karen Morberg-Nguyen, Matching Donors

But we're not done yet--and we still need your support. We need $15,000 more to fund the second study and there are only two weeks left to go. You can help by donating again and/or by sharing the link below with your friends, family and colleagues. By letting them know why you donated and how far we've come, it can empower others to do the same. Let's do this together, let's be A Force For Good.