WOW!! What an incredible first week! We have already surpassed $10,000! Thank you, to each of you, for your passionate support and your drive to meet your goal.

We have exciting news to share with you. For CHD Heart Week, from Feb. 7 - Feb. 14, one of our passionate supporters is matching all donations, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000! Let's kick into high gear as we'll have a chance to get into the $20K mark by the end of the week.

Please ensure your story has been updated on your personal page. People want to know why you're supporting this event and what it means to you, which will help drive donations.

Your personal page, will also show you who's been donating to you and see comments they left for you!

Let's all push hard this week to max out the matching $10,000 gift--keep doing your miles, post about it, text friends and family with your link for support--We can make this happen!!

All our thanks and love,

Cecile & Keith